Traditional House Papua "honai"

16:40 0
Indonesia is a country with many tribes. The result is that Indonesia has many traditional houses, language, clothing and more. Now I will talk about Honai traditional houses of Papua Sharing information about custom home called Honai Papua.
Papua is a general term for the various indigenous peoples of New Guinea and neighboring islands, Papua speakers. They are often indistinguishable from the ethnic and Austronesian languages, speakers of the language family to New Guinea introduced about three thousand years ago.
In a 2005 study of the ASPM gene variants, Mekel-Bobrov et al. found that Papuans have one of the highest levels of emerging ASPM haplogroup D, in 59.4% the alleles of about 6,000 years. [1] Although it is not known exactly what the selective advantages provided by this gene variant, D allele haplogroup allegedly been positive in the population and to provide some substantial advantages which causes the frequency is increasing rapidly.
                                                      According to various studies, the Papuans, Melanesians other, and Aboriginal Australia is the only known modern humans whose ancestors prehistoric mating with Denisova hominin, with whom they share 3-5% of their genome
                                                       Papua called Honai houses made of wood with a conical roof made of straw or reeds. shaped like a mushroom. Honai house purposely built narrow spaces or smaller rooms and windows to withstand the cold mountains of Papua. Honai usually built as high as 2.5 meters and in the middle of the house prepared a place to build a fire to warm them.
                                                       Honai architecture of traditional houses have conical roofs made of Jerai or weeds. Honai house size is generally small, with a height of about 2.5 meters and no windows. The goal is to withstand the cold mountains. In the middle there is usually a place to make a bonfire.

                                                       Honai divided into three types, namely honai for men (honai) for women (Ebei), and pigs (Wamai). Honai usually has two floor levels connected by stairs. Home Honai tribe traditional house with the simplicity of the architecture of traditional houses can be found in the valleys and mountains in the center of the island of Papua, Puncak Jaya in fairly cold climates, altitudes. 2,500 meters above sea level. This is what makes this custom designed home Honai Papua round and short, work to reduce the cold wind blowing from the mountains.

                                                    Function Honai: As a shelter, a place to store the tools of war, educate and advise children to be useful in the future, plan or organize a war strategy to be successful in combat or war and a tool or a symbol of indigenous store have occupied since before Dani philosophy Honai Circling home honai has a philosophy that is firmly held by the company Dani, which reflects the values ​​passed down from generation to generation, as follows: Unity and the unit maximum to preserve and transmit culture, ethnicity, dignity, prices self-maintained by the ancestors of the past to the present. Significant one heart, one mind and purpose in completing the work.
Honai house has a door and a small, usually without windows and ventilation for safety of the animals and maintain the room temperature stays warm. Middle of the room there is a stove used for cooking and for heating. Aside from being a gathering place for families.
Musical Instruments Indonesian Gamelan Original Art

Musical Instruments Indonesian Gamelan Original Art

22:00 0
 Hasil gambar untuk musik gamelan
Gamelan Musical Instruments is one instrument that is loved well enough to scale internernasional especially in Indonesia. Gamelan itself actually has some kind of based on where the traditional musical instrument was developed. Among gamelan known in Javanese traditional Javanese gamelan called if you want to enjoy the sound of the original Javanese gamelan tones you can come to Yogyakarta. for they know the community bali this instrument as Balinese Gamelan and for the use of so-called traditional Sundanese Sundanese gamelan.
Of the three types of gamelan that they have characteristics of each. Javanese Gamelan served with soft tones, is in stark contrast with Balinese gamelan that sounded a bit rowdy and for Sundanese Gamelan tone presented lilting and dominated by the sound of the flute.Getting more Gamelan Musical Instruments
Traditional Indonesian Gamelan Musical Instruments
Gamelan music instrument musical instrument merukana very accentuate drums, metallophone, xylophone and gong. The term for the traditional musical instrument gamelan basically refers to a tool or instrument, where the instrument is a musical instrument played together
Gamelan comes from the word Gamel and ends with an namely Javanese word which means beating (beating) and then ends with the word "an" thus made into a noun.
The emergence of traditional musical instruments begins from Hindu-Buddhist culture and can now say that gamelan is one art that characterizes the Indonesian nation. As the times of gamelan instruments are also growing up as we can see now.Part of Gamelan instruments
Well here from recent reviews gamelan instruments or musical instruments. You can see in the picture below the name and shape of musical instruments / instrunen gamelan
1. "Gendang/Kendhang" Drum / drums

Gambar Kendang atau Gendang Gamelan Kendang image drum or drum Gamelan (Malay language) or drums in the Java language made of leather animals such as cows, buffalo and others.
Kendhang is one of the very important role because it is used untukmengatur drums rhythm. How to use the drums in a manner directly dikupul by hand without using tools.
There are three types of drums used the ketipung drums, percussion ciblon / kebar. and the third drums gedhe or also known as Kalih drums.
2. Peking, Saron and Demung

gambar gamelan demung saron pekinggamelan images demung saron pekingAlat have keys-keys are arranged on a wooden frame and typically consists of six blades and some are made up of seven blades. The third function of this tool is a resonator.
How to use this instrument in a manner that is menggukana hit with a wooden bat. In terms of size and function, this instrument has three types, namely demung (greatest tool), saron (medium-sized) and, peking (has the smallest size).
3. Gong and Kempul

Gambar Gong Ageng Gamelan Indonesia JawaIndonesian Gamelan Gong image Ageng Java-Gong
Do not miss this one tool is also known by the name of Gong, the usefulness of this tool is to give an indication of the beginning and also the end of the piece so impressed provide balance in the lyrics of the piece length.
Gong itself consists of two types namely: gong ageng (size is rather large) and suwukan gong / gong siyem (medium size or smaller than the gong ageng).
Traditional Gamelan Kempul Indonesia- Kempul
Kempul Gong but also shaped like a small size. Kempul serve as markers that are important accents in the sentence gendhing song. At the time of singing gending kempul played with the same tone as tone balungan, although sometimes kempul can also precede balungan tone.

4. Bonang

Gambar Bonang Gamelan Indonesia TradisionalIndonesian Gamelan TradisionalBonang Bonang image consists of two types namely bonang barung and one bonang panerus. Is the difference of the two types of bonang this is the size and also how to use it.
Bonang barung bigger than bonang successor and beroktaf middle to high octaves, bonang barung leaders is an instrument in the ensemble. And to Bonang panerus smaller size but has a higher octave, the rhythm produced by bonang panerus two times faster than bonang barong.
5. Slenthem

Alat Musik Tradisional Indonesia Gamelan SlentemTraditional Musical Instruments Indonesian Gamelan slenthem SlentemDilihat of its shape can be said to go in this type of gender and sometimes it is also referred to as gender Panembung. However slenthem consists of as many blades as the blades saron. When connected to the instrument slenthem saron has the lowest octave.

6. kethuk and Kenong

Gambar Instrumen GamelanPictures Instruments GamelanDari kenong shape very similar to musical instruments gong, but not like a gong hung horizontally arranged kenong which is put on the rope that spans on a wooden frame.
While kethuk that looks and functions the same as kenong but the difference is situated on the rhythm while traditional musical instrument is played.
7. Gender

Gambar Gender Gamelan JavaneseGender Gamelan music JavaneseAlat image is made up of metal keys are arranged neatly on the rope with tube-tube resonator. How to play this gender that is by beating using a tool berbentu round and lined with fabric and has a fairly short stalk. As well as gender bonang also consists of two types namely barung and panerus.
8."Gambang"  Xylophone

Alat Musik Tradisonal Gamelan Instrumen GambangTraditional Gamelan Musical Instruments GambangNah for this one is equally composed of keys-keys but the keys are derived from wood framed on gerobogan. That of the xylophone keys consist of 17-20 bar,
9. Rebab

Gambar Rebab Alat Musik Tradisonal GamelanTraditional Musical Instruments Rebab image GamelanInstrumen made of two wires stretched on wooden selajur which has a shape like heart covered with cow Chronicle.
10. Siter

Foto Siter Gamelan Alat Musik Tradisional GamelanSiter rhythm that comes from wire sources) that Siter Photo Gamelan Traditional Musical Instruments Gamelandimainkan by picking. For those types of zither, siter itself consists of three types namely, siter, siter successor with a smaller size when compared to the zither, the inverse of the size clempung siter successor to the greater of the zither
11. "Suling" Flute

Gambar Suling Bambung Seruling Gamelan IndonesiaFlutes Flute image Bambung IndonesiaUntuk Gamelan music instrument gamelan this one is made of bamboo paralon made a hole to make a decisive tone or boundaries. How to use the flute by blowing. And of the flute shape is composed of two types, namely distilled slendro which has 4 holes with equal spacing between holes and Flute Pelog has 5 holes but the distance between the holes varies. Even some flute has 6 holes and for flute mempunnyai 6 holes can be used as flute Pelog and also Slendro.

The uniqueness Architecture"Rumah Gadang" House Tower Minangkabau

17:04 0

Rumah Gadang, is one of the traditional houses in Indonesia that we often hear. House Tower is the traditional home of culture Minangkabau society is in the region of West Sumatra. As well as other custom home in Indonesia, the Tower House also has its own philosophy, both in terms of the shape of the building until the building decoration. Even a construction expert said that the Tower House 300 years is far more advanced than other buildings of its time. House Tower is home to the pride of Minangkabau society. House Tower built on poles and is located high above the ground. The most unique of the Tower House that is different from other areas is traditional house roofs are curved and tapered commonly called "gonjong". In the Minangkabau society, there is a custom petatah, "bakarano bakajadian" meaning something to do originate from the cause and reason. Gabled roof which comes from the story Tambo, history Minangkabau ancestors in ancient times.
According to the story Tambo Alam Minangkabau, that gonjong at the Rumah Gadang was inspired from buffalo horn Minangkabau society shootout win against buffalo buffalo Java people. This is why gonjong at the Tower House. So that ordinary Minangkabau House Tower House dipanggi with Bagonjong. Gonjong the longhouse also has other functions. In addition to a roof, gonjong gadang consisting of multiple layers of fibers that also serves to drain rainwater on the roof in order to hurtle to the ground. House Tower-shaped body part floating beam upwards. Shape of the building comes from the story above floating trip Minangkabau ancestors. That said, the shape of the body resembles the Tower House boat ancestors called "presumptuous". Sassy ancestors sailed upstream Trunk Kampar. Having arrived in an area, this sassy pulled ashore in order not weathered by the water of the river. Sassy then supported by the timber to stand firmly and then given a roof with a screen attached to the pole smoothly. Then, because the screen is so heavy, the rope supporting arced screen that resembles gonjong. Furthermore, the shape of the building is used by our ancestors as a hallmark of their homes. Building House Tower is located 1-2 meters above the ground, so the building is supported by a pole-carefree and with a pit.
Rumah Gadang  under high provide fresh air especially in the summer. Vault at the Tower House was also used to place items or tools, where weaving and even maintain ternak.Kolong place also serves as a protection from wild animals. Gadang roofs can also be used to store items in the house. In addition gadang built houses lined up in winds from the north to the south in order to free him from the heat of the sun and wind.
Rumah Gadang masts have also been designed in such a way. Experts say that the Rumah Gadang resilient to the shocks of earthquakes. Gadang has flexible power and solidity in the event of an earthquake of up to force 8 on the Richter scale. Tower House does not use nails as a binder, but in the form of pegs as the connection causing the Tower House is flexible and vibration distributed to all the buildings. Tower House poles never touch the ground, but dialas with stones password. The stone serves to reduce vibration waves from the ground, so that if an earthquake occurs Tower House will simply swinging the wave of the vibration.

The walls of the longhouse made of wood, except that of the rear portion composed of bamboo. Wall mounted vertical board. At any given board connection frame. All the boards are filled with carvings. Sometimes the pole is in the well carved. Thus, carving a dominant decoration in home building gadang Minangkabau. Carvings in the
Rumah Gadang was not associated with beliefs that are sacred, but only as a valuable work of art decoration. At the Tower House, 2/3 parts are separated room. It symbolizes that the public interest takes precedence over private interests. In addition, a major milestone in the longhouse called Limpapeh. Limpapeh in Minangkabau society known as Bundo expression Kanduang Limpapeh Nan House Tower, meaning that a mother become the foundation of strength disebuah Rumah Gadang. If the mother's role is fragile, the Tower House will collapse. Additionally, rooms at the Rumah Gadang intended for children and niece. The chamber is for girls, and girls who are married. Boys in Minangkabau will sleep in the mosque and when they are married, they will sleep in the house of their wives. There are so many unique architecture of the Tower House Minangkabau which has been designed in such a way with a variety of functions. Many people are asking who had the initial idea in designing the Tower House this.
According to some sources, the architect who built the first
Rumah Gadang is a clever Cadiak Minangkabau named Datuak Tan Tejo Gerhano. He was buried in Pariangan Tanah Datar district and is known as the graveyard tomb long unique in that if each time measured will differ in length. Architecture at the Tower House is very unique, this uniqueness sets it apart from other traditional house in Indonesia. The shape and the philosophy of the building, the materials used, and the longhouse carving architecture rarely found in other parts of the archipelago and even the world. Tower House is a treasure and very valuable to the Minangkabau community. Maintain the existence of the Tower House is a noble task Minang people are important to do. Tower House, according to the architecture of the room in front with a linear or (space stretching from the front to the rear between the poles lined), divided into 3 types, namely:
1. Fold Pandan: Berlanjar two, called the Tower House Rajo Babandiang.
2. Shopping Shoots: Berlanjar three, called the Tower House Bapaserek / Surambi papek3. Elephant Maharam: berlanjar four, called the Elephant Tower House Maharam
Rumah Gadang (Minangkabau traditional house)Why House Tower Minangkabau roof Like buffalo horn?Type carving Rumah Gadang is composed of:1. kaluak Nails: Interpreted nephew guided lap child.2. Pucuak Tabuang: Interpreted useful small, large unused.3. Saluak Aka: Interpreted kinship interrelated.4. Jalo: Interpreted Caniago Bodi administration.5. Jarek: Interpreted administration Broker Koto.6. Itiak return patang: Interpreted order nephew children.7. Saik Galamai: Interpreted accuracy.8. Sikambang sweet: Interpreted hospitality.
Forms and types Rangkiang / granary, among others:1. Sitinjau Lauik Used as a place to store the rice to be sold for purposes of collective or customary expenditure items. The shape is slender, bergonjong and engraved with four poles, located in the middle.2. Sibayau-Bayau: Used to store grain food daily. The shape fat, bergonjong and engraved with 6 poles located dikanan.3. Sitangguang Lapa / Sitangka lapa used to store grain for the dry season and helping the poor. Sided shape, bergonjong and engraved with 4 poles, located to the left.4. Kaciak: Used to store grain and seeds for rice processing costs. It was round, carved and bergonjong, located between the third circuit.


16:54 0
Rumah Adat Sumatera Barat
Cruise tourist charms Indonesia will never run out of your visit. Comeliness archipelago spread evenly from Sabang to Merauke to the ground. One vacancy destinations that are important to you sambangi is West Sumatra. The provincial capital of Padang with this save a lot of fun things for you. Not only culinary shake up the tongue, the uniqueness of the traditional house of West Sumatra is also not to be missed. Nan unique architectural complex will enchant your eyes. Already know what the custom home province dominated by ethnic Minangkabau this?
Magic House Tower
The term "House Tower" may be familiar to your ears. The buildings are sometimes written Godang house is asked as a traditional house of West Sumatra. He is an ethnic Minangkabau traditional house and spread evenly across the region of West Sumatra, since this area is dominated by tribes that the Islamic religion. The other name of this house is a house Bagonjong or banjarese architecture.
Tower House is able to enchant your eyes with grace architecture. Signature which most attention is the roof that tapers like buffalo horn. This roof as tiered so that the sharp tip can be more than 4 in one house. Long ago, the roof of the Tower House is made from fibers should other traditional houses. But advances in technology made the house come preen Tower. Now we can see the Tower houses with roofs of zinc.

In general, the longhouse was built with a rectangular shape. Agency house is divided into two main sections namely the front and rear. At the front, usually there are many carved ornaments with common motifs such as flowers, roots, leaves and areas of parallelograms and square. As for the outside of the back of the house Tower coated using split bamboo material. This beautiful house dibangin using long poles. body home as unique elevated to the top, but not easily shaken as great shock though. Gadang house has a staircase that is located on the front of the house. Meanwhile, the room serves as a kitchen built separately, usually located behind the house.
As with other traditional house, every part of the house Tower also save the philosophical meaning that is closely related to the culture and religion of the local community.
Looking Inside the Tower House

Tower houses the main function is as a place to stay with family. But unlike the other houses, the Tower has separate provisions, among others:

  1.     The number of rooms in the house Tower depend on the number of women who are in the family. All women who have husbands to get a room. Dapun old woman without a husband would be given a room that is located near the kitchen. The rooms are mostly occupied by small children. Meanwhile, the teenage girls are usually combined in a single room and it was located at the end of a separate house.
  2.     Tower room in the house is always odd number, between three and eleven.
  3.     This northern Sumatra custom home built on land owned jointly host family in a clan. He also passed down from one generation to the next. Holder beneficiary is a woman in the family
  4.     In addition to the bedrooms, all the rooms in the house are public bodies.
  5.     Tower on the home page, there are generally two buildings called by the name of Rangkiang. This building is a place to store rice.
  6.     In the longhouse there is a building that is on the left wing was the right house. The building known as anjuang or bridge. Its function is as a place for the bride biting and treatment. The reason is what makes the house Tower also known as the home Baanjuang.
  7.     Besides Rangkiang, not far from the longhouse also usually built a small mosque where all family members carry out activities of worship, education, is also commonly used as a bed of men who do not have a wife.
  8.     The traditional house of West Sumatra has a wall that is equally pulled from the roof. Carved wall full of little put colors such as red, green, also sometimes orange. All the elements of the building to make anyone look'll be amazed, including you.

structure "JOGLO" custom house of java

22:01 0
Hasil gambar untuk struktur rumah adat joglo
structure "JOGLO" custom house of java

Based on the shape of the overall look and shape of the skeleton, joglo building can be divided into 4 parts:

Young (Nom): Joglo form zoom tends to elongate and rising (stretchy).
Old (Tuwa): Joglo that form tend to be short zoom (not lengthwise) and the roof is not straight / inclined resting (nadhah).
Male (lanangan): Joglo which looks solid because of the relatively thick frame.
Women (wadon / padaringan kebak): Joglo the chassis is relatively thin / flat.
In the middle of the gazebo there are four main pillars called pillar. Its size should be higher and larger than the poles / saka-saka others. At both ends of the poles there are ornaments / carvings.
The top of the pillar are interconnected by connector / link called overlap and sunduk. Overlapping positions above sunduk.In the Java language, the word "sunduk" itself means "awl".
At the very top of the mast pillar of this is there are usually several layers of wooden beams that form circles storied widening towards the outside and the inside. Widening to the outside is called nick. Nick in Javanese means' wing ,. While widening to the inside so-called "overlap-sari '. This nick prop plane of the roof, while Tumpang-sari sustain ceiling field joglo (pamidhangan).

For more details, details of the order joglo are as follows:
"JOGLO" custom house of java

  1.     Molo (mulo / sirah / suwunan), the beam that is located at the top, which is considered the "head" of the building.
  2.     Ander (saka-gini), beam located above the sledge which serves as the support molo.
  3.     Geganja, construction boosters / stabilizers ander.
  4.     Sledge (rodents), Beam connecting and stabilizing the ends of the pole; frame house located upper transverse width according to the house and linked with the beam.
  5.     Santen, sledge mountings located between the sledge and the seam.
  6.     Sunduk, stabilizer pole construction to withstand shocks / wobble.
  7.     Kili (Sunduk Kili), Beam locking cathokan sunduk and poles.
  8.     Pamidhangan (Midhangan), cavities are formed from a series of beam / overlapping-sari on brunjung.
  9.     Dhadha Peksi (dhadha-manuk), rodents transverse beam in the middle pamidhangan.
  10.     Penitih / panitih.
  11.     Penangkur.
  12.     CVD-Ganthil, holder / locking diarrhea pole-shaped protrusion; dudur oppressed.
  13.     Kecer, molo supporting beams which support the roof and at the same time.
  14.     Dudur, beams connecting the meeting point of responders, penitih and penangkur with molo.
  15.     Nick (wing), part of the expansion came out the top of the pillar that supports the roof.
  16.     Songgo-uwang, Construction penyiku / buffers that are decorative

Thank you..!Hope it is useful !
" JOGLO " custom home central java dazzling

" JOGLO " custom home central java dazzling

16:32 0
Hasil gambar untuk rumah adat jawa tengah
" JOGLO " custom home central java dazzling

Central Java is one of the important provinces in Java. In addition to its economic frenzy, this province is also famous for its cultural element that is still awake. One of the heritage of the allure of this province is Joglo. What it is Joglo? Joglo essence is the name for the custom house in Central Java. The building is interesting assessed, both in terms of historical and architectural loaded with philosophical value Javanese.Joglo And Elements buildersIt is interesting to examine this traditional house in Central Java because we will directly intersect with the noble values. So, Joglo not just residential. More than that, he is a symbol. Consider just a framework that form the pillar of his house. If observed, there are four main pillars which becomes the main buffer home. The main pillars, each representing the wind direction, the west-north-south-east. In more detail, in the pillar there is what is known as intercropping arranged with the inverted pattern of the pillar.If parts dissected, then the Central Javanese traditional house consists of several parts, namely pendhopo, pringgitan and also omah ndalem / omah njero. What is meant by Pendhopo is part Joglo commonly used to entertain guests. Meanwhile, Pringgitan itself is part of the living room which is commonly used to receive guests closer. Meanwhile, known as Ndalem or Omah Omah Njero is the space where the family usually chatting. The family room is also subdivided into several rooms (room / senthong), namely senthong center, right and left.Not only the division of the room, some of the features Joglo also symbolizes the philosophical value. Call it part Joglo house doors are numbered three. The main door in the middle, and the other door on both sides (right and left) rumah.Tata door layout is not arbitrary. It represents a butterfly emerging and struggling in a large family.Moreover, in Joglo is also known for a special room named Gedongan. He serves as a sanctuary, where the head of a family looking for inner hands, places of worship and many other sacred activities. In some homes Joglo, Gedongan multirangkap used as a break room or bedroom. At other times, it can also be converted as the bridal chamber newly married.Social Status SymbolJust like traditional houses in other areas, Joglo can also be used as a reference to measure a person's social status. Although recognized as a traditional house in Central Java, but not all of the people or the people of Central Java have this house. Why? For though it looks quite simple, but the complexity of raw materials and the manufacturing process to make Joglo development costs as well as time-consuming abundant. Previously, only the gentry and nobility have this apin house. Now, they are not royal but the rich could build a house elegant and classic.Joglo as traditional houses known to have a design that is not arbitrary. The design of the structure is then narrowed to the division of Joglo house itself, among others:  
  1.     Joglo house Pangrawit.
  2.     Joglo house Jompongan.
  3.     Limasan Joglo house jokes.
  4.     Joglo Semar Tinandhu.
  5.     Joglo Mangkurat.
  6.     Joglo Sinom.
  7.     Joglo Hageng.

Because of the high sense of art that reflected the traditional house in Central Java, do not be surprised if he became one of the cultural assets that are required to be preserved from one generation to the next generation.