Gamelan Musical Instruments is one instrument that is loved well enough to scale internernasional especially in Indonesia. Gamelan itself actually has some kind of based on where the traditional musical instrument was developed. Among gamelan known in Javanese traditional Javanese gamelan called if you want to enjoy the sound of the original Javanese gamelan tones you can come to Yogyakarta. for they know the community bali this instrument as Balinese Gamelan and for the use of so-called traditional Sundanese Sundanese gamelan.
Of the three types of gamelan that they have characteristics of each. Javanese Gamelan served with soft tones, is in stark contrast with Balinese gamelan that sounded a bit rowdy and for Sundanese Gamelan tone presented lilting and dominated by the sound of the flute.Getting more Gamelan Musical Instruments
Traditional Indonesian Gamelan Musical Instruments
Gamelan music instrument musical instrument merukana very accentuate drums, metallophone, xylophone and gong. The term for the traditional musical instrument gamelan basically refers to a tool or instrument, where the instrument is a musical instrument played together
Gamelan comes from the word Gamel and ends with an namely Javanese word which means beating (beating) and then ends with the word "an" thus made into a noun.
The emergence of traditional musical instruments begins from Hindu-Buddhist culture and can now say that gamelan is one art that characterizes the Indonesian nation. As the times of gamelan instruments are also growing up as we can see now.Part of Gamelan instruments
Well here from recent reviews gamelan instruments or musical instruments. You can see in the picture below the name and shape of musical instruments / instrunen gamelan
1. "Gendang/Kendhang" Drum / drums
Kendhang is one of the very important role because it is used untukmengatur drums rhythm. How to use the drums in a manner directly dikupul by hand without using tools.
There are three types of drums used the ketipung drums, percussion ciblon / kebar. and the third drums gedhe or also known as Kalih drums.
2. Peking, Saron and Demung
How to use this instrument in a manner that is menggukana hit with a wooden bat. In terms of size and function, this instrument has three types, namely demung (greatest tool), saron (medium-sized) and, peking (has the smallest size).
3. Gong and Kempul
Do not miss this one tool is also known by the name of Gong, the usefulness of this tool is to give an indication of the beginning and also the end of the piece so impressed provide balance in the lyrics of the piece length.
Gong itself consists of two types namely: gong ageng (size is rather large) and suwukan gong / gong siyem (medium size or smaller than the gong ageng).
Traditional Gamelan Kempul Indonesia- Kempul
Kempul Gong but also shaped like a small size. Kempul serve as markers that are important accents in the sentence gendhing song. At the time of singing gending kempul played with the same tone as tone balungan, although sometimes kempul can also precede balungan tone.
4. Bonang
Bonang barung bigger than bonang successor and beroktaf middle to high octaves, bonang barung leaders is an instrument in the ensemble. And to Bonang panerus smaller size but has a higher octave, the rhythm produced by bonang panerus two times faster than bonang barong.
5. Slenthem
6. kethuk and Kenong
While kethuk that looks and functions the same as kenong but the difference is situated on the rhythm while traditional musical instrument is played.
7. Gender
8."Gambang" Xylophone
9. Rebab
10. Siter
11. "Suling" Flute